Narrative and Episodic Projects Currently in Development

Poster of “Doppelgänger” with two photos of a woman with blue eyes and green eyes


Mourning the unexplained death of the girl he loved, an awkward teen in small-town Louisiana seeks a second chance after she’s replicated by an alien visitor, but first he must protect her from the secret government agency determined to have her at any cost.
London Short Series Festival 2019, Official Selection with Live On-Stage Pitch
New Media Film Festival Script Competition 2020, Official Selection
Genre Blast 2019, Best TV/Webisode Script Runner-Up

Cycle Lunaire

A young boy in backwoods Louisiana tries to stop his mother's drinking and discovers that he is the legacy of an even greater horror.
Hollywood Just4Shorts Film and Screenplay Competition 2021, Semifinalist
Raindance Script Competition 2021. Finalist
26th Indie Gathering, Best Short Horror Script

Poster of “Cycle Lunaire” with a woman and a red wolf

The Laughter of Children

After a big score falls apart, a street thug kidnaps two small children for ransom and discovers that he’s the only person standing between the kids and their abusive stepfather.
CineStory Foundation 2020, Feature Script Finalist
NYC Screenplay Awards 2021, Semifinalist
Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest 2020, Quarterfinalist